ResTest 8135

On-the-line measurement instrument, optimized for aluminium conductors. Decreases raw material consumption by reducing the safety margins. ROI's of less than a year are commun. A proven patented solution and installed all over the the globe. No other intrument on the market offers such advantages.
The 8135 is dedicated to Aluminium. To obtain reliable measurements, high pressure must be applied to uniformly distribute the current through the conductor. On the other hand, the conductor must not be damaged. ResTest 8135 meets both these requirements by using a hydraulic pump and jaw shells adapted to the conductor cross-section.
Key Features
Specs and datasheet
Key Features
- Optimized for aluminium conductors
- Directly on-the-line measurement, no waste
- Decreases raw material consumption. ROI’s of less than a year are common; both economic and sustainable.
- Fast heating system and stabilisation of the conductor’s temperatur
- Convenient software, specially developed for wire & cable industry
- Overall accuracy. Our specification relates to the overall measurement, not only the micro-ohmmeter.
Specs and datasheet
- Cross-section Copper: 2,5 -2000 mm²
- Cross-section Aluminium: 6 -1200 mm²
- 1m measurement according to standard recommendations
Download ResTest 8135 datasheet